Online Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic: Between Obstacles and Solutions In SMA Qur'an Al-Ihsan Kebagusan Jakarta Selatan


  • Dasep Bayu Ahyar STAI Al Badar Cipulus Purwakarta, Indonesia
  • Moh. Yandi Ramdhani STAI Al Badar Cipulus Purwakarta, Indonesia
  • Umnah STAI Al Badar Cipulus Purwakarta, Indonesia

Kata Kunci:

Problems, Solutions, Online Learning, Covid-19


The Covid-19 pandemic has brought real changes to our lives. various sectors of government and private institutions have felt the impact of Covid-19, including educational institutions who have also felt the impact of this pandemic, which in the end is learning in schools online. This article will discuss the problems/barriers to online learning in schools, especially the problems in the Qur'an Al-Ihsan High School, and also the solutions offered by the school to the parents/guardians of students.  This research is a descriptive research method with a qualitative approach and literature or literature study. The primary data collection technique is by distributing questionnaires online to the Qur'an Al-Ihsan high school teachers, and students. After the data has been collected from the respondents, then a comprehensive analysis will be strengthened by seeing the conditions of the school concerned. This is done so that the data collected is accurate and accountable. The results of this study provide information that online learning, which has been almost a year long, there are still many obstacles / obstacles faced in the field, ranging from inadequate facilities, lack of student motivation, and lack of parental monitoring of their children while studying online at home, and so on. Meanwhile, the solutions offered by the school did not work 100% as they did when learning before the Covid-19 pandemic.


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