Tentang Jurnal Ini
Banun Journal: The term Banun which comes from Arabic which means child is a Journal of the PIAUD Study Program which focuses on Early Childhood education. This journal is a peer-reviewed journal that aims to facilitate the exchange of high-quality research results in various aspects of early childhood education.
This journal covers various studies and research analyzes related to early childhood education. Several aspects studied include the development of moral and religious values, physical motor development, social emotional development, cognitive development, language development, artistic and creative development, child care, PIAUD management institutions, early childhood development assessments, child development psychology, child empowerment, learning strategies, games as educational tools, learning media, innovation in early childhood education, as well as various other fields related to Early Childhood Islamic Education.
Terbitan Terkini
Terbitan Utuh
Abstrak View: 13, Banun, Vol 2, No. 2 (2024) Download: 4 -
Penanaman Nilai-nilai Keagamaan pada Anak Usia Dini berdasarkan Q.S Ash-Shaffat
Abstrak View: 15, Banun, Vol 2, No. 2 (2024) Download: 4 -
Penegakan Hukum Dalam Pendidikan dan Perlindungan Anak
Abstrak View: 18, Banun, Vol 2, No. 2 (2024) Download: 4 -
Narkoba Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pola Asuh terhadap Pertumbuhan Moral Anak yang Mengakibatkan Maraknya Penggunaan Narkoba di Lingkungan Kelurahan Kayujati Pengertian narkoba, pola asuh anak dalam keluarga, Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pola Asuh terhadap Pertumbuhan Moral Anak
Abstrak View: 54, Banun, Vol 2, No. 2 (2024) Download: 4 -
Penerapan kumer dalam penguatan kearifan lokal untuk PAUD Kurikulum merdeka dan kearifan lokal
Abstrak View: 13, Banun, Vol 2, No. 2 (2024) Download: 4
Journal title | : Banun: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini |
Initials | : Banun |
Frequency | : 2 issues per year (June and December) |
DOI | : - |
Print ISSN | : 3032-209X |
Online ISSN | : 3031-268X |
Editor-in-chief | : Cepi Ramdani |
Publisher | : Prodi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini STAI Al Badar Cipulus Purwakarta |
Indexing | : Google Scholar, Garuda |
Banun : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini is a scientific journal published by the Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program STAI Al Badar Cipulus Purwakarta, this journal is open to the public including lecturers, researchers, students, practitioners, teachers, and so on who wish to publish research results the best regarding early childhood education. We accept articles in Arabic and Indonesian. This journal is published twice a year, namely June and December.